The wait is over — after almost a year being in Early Access, UE5 is finally available to download!
Check the new example project Lyra and The Matrix Awakens!
There are many new features like Lumen and Nanite, but also greatly improved environment, a redesigned Unreal Editor, better performance, artist-friendly animation tools, an extended mesh creation and editing toolset, improved path tracing, and much more. See the documentation for full details.
Category: Default category
Astro Colony is live on Kickstarter
After more than 3 years of hard work finally Astro Colony is live on Kicstarter and Steam.
Astro Colony is coming to Kickstarter
Hey, after 3 years working on Astro Colony it’s finally going to Steam, but before it goes to Kickstarter – launches 22 JUNE!
If you like upcoming release please click Notify me!
Shader animations
Vertex aniamtions in UE4 allows to gain extra performance without additional cpu cost, check this tutorial to find out more!
Tech Tree tutorial
I got some request to make tutorial series about setting Technology Tree and here it is!
Editor Utility Widgets
Anti-Ghosting Temporal AA
New video comes to youtube channel. I am clarifying how AA process works and how to eliminate all unwanted artifacts, also which settings are the best for your game. Additional params worth to check for your Temporal Anti-Aliasing:
* r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight 0.2
* r.TemporalAASamples 4
* r.Tonemapper.Sharpen 0.5
Marketplace Spring Sales
Unearth 70% savings for all my plugins but not only. Check in the link below
Unreal Engine 4.25 Available now!
Epic Games Unreal Engine just got update to 4.25 version.
With the release of Unreal Engine 4.25, Epic Games continue mission to provide the most complete, flexible, powerful 3D Engine available.
Here are some major features and improvements:
* New Get Console support – PS5 and XBOX X
* Unreal Insights, Datasmith, Niagara, Anisotropic Materials, Eye Adaptation now closer to reality, Sky Atmosphgere
* Utility methods: Convert Child Actors to Blueprint, Engine distaster recovery, new Paint Mode,
* Optimization – UObject – UProperty, Editor performance – shaders compilation time improved by 90%! Material Layers, Memory Shader Load times, any many bug fixes 🙂
For release notes check link below:
Marketplace Flash Sale
Voxel plugin is 50% off during @Epic Flash Sale
alongside with many other cool works from #UE4 dev community!